Sunday, 6 January 2013

The First Post

So yes ... It's a new year and I've decided I want to share with the interweb my love of the excellent restaurants and bars in Yorkshire. 

The first rule will be:


I'm not saying these types of restaurants are bad, it's just because you can find out about these from anywhere on the internet and this is just a way of me sharing the new places I've found using the tools available to me. This will mainly be recommendations but one handy tool I have is Foursquare.

The second rule will be:


No real reason for this. If you want to find places in other places, then look somewhere else ... simples.

To help me keep track of the places I've been I've set up a Foursquare Page which you can follow me on if you so wish. I also have a Twitter account. 

The third rule will be:


When I want to try out a new restaurant, all I want to know is that it's got a good atmosphere, good service and most importantly GREAT FOOD. I don't need to know every little things that happened, every minute detail f the way the food looked and the way it tasted. I don't want to see crappy photos taken quickly on smart phones and you won't find any of that from me.

*definition of a chain:  a brand that own more than 5 of the same restaurant with the same menu / decor etc. Examples include Pizza Express, Nandos, Bella Italia etc. 

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